Tattoo Aftercare Instructions
You may leave your second skin covering on for up to four days. Not all skin agrees with adhesives, so if your skin is bothered by the adhesive you may remove the covering sooner.
When you are ready to remove the covering, do so in the shower where you can slowly tease it off with the help of warm water and soap.
Use only your hands to gently wash the tattoo with a mild unscented soap. Do not scrub it with anything abrasive like a washcloth or loofah.
After your shower, let the tattoo air dry or pat it with a paper towel. Do not rub it with a cloth towel as it may introduce bacteria to the tattoo.
From this point forward, you will treat the tattoo like a minor wound. This means:
No scratching or picking the tattoo. It will become itchy, dry, and tight as it heals. To relieve this sensation, wash your hands and apply the provided ointment throughout the day. You may also use your preferred choice of moisturizer (coconut oil, unscented Aveeno, Aquaphor, Inkredible, Tattoo Goo)
No saunas, hot tubs, pools, or baths for a minimum of two weeks. If two weeks have passed and there is still some minor scabbing or any irritation around the tattoo, wait longer until the skin has completely healed over.
Keep the tattoo away from animals. If you sleep with animals in your bed, lovingly kick them out for the first three days after you remove your second skin covering and make sure you put fresh sheets on the bed.
The sun is the ultimate enemy of tattoos! For the first three weeks of healing keep your tattoo out of the sun. After it has healed it is strongly suggested to put sunscreen on your tattoo every time it is exposed to the sun, as this will greatly affect the longevity of your artwork. A thick, mineral based sunscreen like Thinkbaby or Green Beaver are recommended brands, but you may choose any zinc sunscreen that you like.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out by email: